I am a CCM patient, and my child is also affected with CCM. How can I manage their registry account and my own?

I am a CCM patient, and my child is also affected with CCM. How can I manage their registry account and my own?

Our patient registry has the capability to link your own patient account with an affected child’s account. To do this, you will need to create your own account before creating one for your child.

  • When you click on “Register” on our main page, select that you would like to create a Patient account for yourself and follow the prompts that are given.
  • Once logged in to your own account, click on the “View or Add A Child Account” button located in the upper right corner.  
  • You will be asked to enter in your child’s name and date of birth, and to read through the same consent form to allow your child to participate in the registry.
  • Once you have agreed for your child to participate, you will be directed back to your own account’s dashboard.
  • To access your child’s recently created account, click on the “View or Add A Child Account button.”
  • Navigate to your child’s name on the next screen and click, “Go.” You will now be in your child’s account dashboard. This will be indicated by their name appearing at the top of the page.
  • To switch back to your own account, click on the “Return to Parent Account” button in the upper right corner.
  • You can add as many children as needed to your linked accounts by repeating these steps.